Issue History for Jira

Get one-stop access to the full issue change history
Available for Jira Cloud & Data Center

Issue History for Jira
Cloud Security Participant
Cloud Fortified Program
Platinum Marketplace Partner

Main Features of Issue History for Jira

Get the changes you need most with a bunch of filters

Jira History of Changes Report

Get the report with every update that has been made to the list of issues.

  • What value has been changed
  • Which user is responsible for updates
  • When modifications have occurred

Find and Restore Deleted Issue

If you delete an issue in Jira – it’s forever gone. Enhance your Jira task history – store deleted issues and restore if needed. It will help you to keep all your data safe.

The storing process is started after activating the Keep Deleted Issues option.

See who and when deleted your issues
Export the changelog report for in-depth analysis

Export Jira Change History

Monitor your team’s progress via analytical systems. Export issue history reports as XLSX, CSV, and PDF files (for Activity view) to improve internal and external reporting.

This allows you to analyze the data in more detail, create custom reports, visualize trends, or perform statistical analysis to gain deeper insights into project performance, resource utilization, or other key metrics.

Revert Changes Made to Jira Issue

The “Revert option” enables you to roll back any modifications you or another user made to the task’s description and retrieve the required earlier version.

All text formatting, including bold, color, lists, and tables, will be kept. Regarding attachments, you can only get back the file’s name as Jira doesn’t keep attachments when they are deleted.

How to revert changes to Jira issues
Monitor user activity on Jira dashboard

Monitor user activity on the Jira dashboard

The Activities gadget by Issue History lets you gain insights into issue progress, team performance, and trends over time.

You can select a specific activity (issue field) and determine which team members are actively working on issues, how frequently they are making updates and adding comments, and whether they are meeting deadlines.

Why you’d like Issue History report❤️

Company’s everyday life involves millions of events and incidents. You can’t follow and remember every past activity. But sometimes you need to detect changes that have been made a few weeks or months ago.

How can you organize this process?

Track full issue changelog automatically with the Issue History app. The report is based on the list of issues/tickets. You can change the layout according to your needs. As a result, you’ll get the ability to:

  • View history of every company’s activity in Jira
  • Observe what updates each team member has made
  • Set all of the company’s internal and external procedures in one spot
  • Compile a ready-to-use database for a teamwork audit
  • Acquire an independent Jira tool with all essential data and clear reports

Visual aid to walk you through our product

Watch, download presentation/infographic, share it with team or managers

How can Issue History help you? – Watch our video

Frequently asked questions

Use a FAQ list to find answers on the most common questions

How to view ticket / issue history in Jira?

The built-in Jira functionality allows you to see the history of changes on the single issue level.

To get the history of issue: Open the issue Scroll down to the Activity section Choose the History option.

How do I create an issue history report in Jira?

Built-in functionality has no options for creating the issue history report. That’s why we’ve launched the Issue History plugin for Jira cloud. It allows you to organize the activity history for the list of issues according to your needs.

To create the issue changelog report:

  • Filter issues by Project, Sprint, Label, etc.
  • Select the date range.
  • Add custom and standard fields to the grid.

Can you view deleted issues in Jira?

There is no built-in feature to store deleted issues in Jira. But you can find this option with Issue History. Read more in the article How to delete and store deleted issues.

Is it possible to restore deleted ticket in Jira?

Jira has no option to store or restore deleted tickets. So, you can try to track and recover all your deletes with Issue History for Jira. Read about the Restore deleted issues feature.

Do you store customer data from the customer Atlassian instance?

We don’t store any customer data in our infrastructure excluding hashed customer id and add-on configs. Everything is processed interactively and displayed to end-users. We use application internal logs, but without customer-related data, include only details about requests performance/status/error code.

Can we use Issue History for Jira to ensure CFR 21 Part 11 compliance?

Issue History for Jira helps to meet such Part 11 FDA requirements:

  • get an audit trail (log of all changes made to a file or data) to prevent falsified records
  • track and keep deleted Jira issues to be sure nothing is lost forever
  • export data from the system into a clear document (XLSX or CSV) to present it to FDA inspection

*There is no option for electronic signature in the plugin.

Do you have disaster recovery plans for business continuity in times of disruption?

Our mission is to ensure information system uptime, data integrity, availability, and business continuity. We have process-level plans for recovering critical technology platforms and the telecommunications infrastructure in case of disaster. Learn more

What does an issue change history include in Jira?

Jira issue change history includes all the updates that have been made to a single issue/ticket. That covers status, description, priority, sprint, assignee, and other issue fields updates. You will find out when the changes were made and by whom.

For example, Assignee Name changed the Status 5 days ago from In Progress to Done.

How to export issue/ticket history from Jira?

There is no option to export issue history from Jira without plugins or REST API. With Issue History by SaaSJet, you can extract change history as XLSX or CSV files with 2 clicks.

How do I delete an issue from Jira?

Open Settings → Projects → Project Settings → People → Add People. Check if you have your name there.

Now choose an issue, you can find the Delete option while clicking on the three dots icon.

We want to provide access to this plugin to a limited set of people within our organization. In this case, will pricing be applicable to the number of Jira accounts in our organization or a limited set of people to whom we want to provide this access?

According to Jira pricing, we’re unable to manage the price relative to the number of actual users. Atlassian offers discounts for the annual subscription, so you can pay less in that way.

Is it possible to backup and restore the data?

Backup/Recovery files are required to return systems to a state where they contain the information and data that was resident on the system shortly prior to the disaster.


Backup tape locations and retention periods are summarized in the table below:


Daily Backup (Server)AWS Snapshots
Daily Backup (Database)MongoDB Atlas Snapshots

How reliable is it to work with Issue History (security policy)?

  1. The plugin is Cloud Fortified, so it ensures additional security, reliability, and support.
  2. The app is part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty Program. Learn more
  3. SaaSJet company has completed the Security Self-Assessment Program. Learn more

Trusted by 120 000+ users

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Agility Robotics
trand micro
Pragmatic Play

See what people saying about us


Killer app!

Jira's got a massive hole in terms of reporting where this extension shines like a diamond. Shows you all history for the entire day/across a date range - who created a ticket, who closed one, who reopened one, who deleted one etc. We use this to have a quick look at the daily activity per member, and export the history and automate our numbers across goal/milestone achievement in PowerBI. The exported Excel sheet is also well presented and is easy to work with in case if manual spot-checking is needed.
Highly recommended. Surprised to only see 297 installs at the time of writing this review!
Luciano Di Pierno

A good solution to manage the history of changes

This app is a good solution to manage the history of changes made in Jira including the history of deletions.
The plug-in certainly has room for improvement, but SaaSJet has proven to be there to support, both through good customer care and through a constant release of hotfixes and new versions.

How can we help you?

Find out how this app can be tailored to your team or project. Arrange a call with our experts to find the best solution for your case.

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Get started on your skyrocketing journey with our add-on