Exploring the Fundamental Tenets: The Top 10 Software Security Design Principles

Security Design Principles

As our digital ecosystem expands, software security becomes a more significant concern for developers, organizations, and end-users. It’s no longer just about creating a functional app; it’s about designing with robust security principles in mind. This article delves into the top 10 software security design principles every developer should be familiar with. “Secure-by-Design” refers to the construction of technological products in such a way that they reasonably defend against malicious cyber actors successfully getting access to devices, data, and linked infrastructure. Software developers should conduct a risk assessment.

Key Aspects of Security Design Software

  • Integrity
  • Confidentiality
  • Availability

Integrity refers to guaranteeing that only authorized users can manipulate information using only permitted methods and procedures. If the company decides that each salesperson can only update their leads in the system while sales managers can update all leads, an integrity violation would occur if a salesperson attempted to change someone else’s leads. This violates the business rule that only the originating sales member can update leads.

Confidentiality is the concept of prohibiting unauthorized access to certain information or tools. In an ideal world, all people who do not have access would be unaware of the presence of sensitive information/tools. Looking at the sales lead management system again, we see that leads can only be modified by originating sales members. 

Availability refers to authorized users being able to access the system. The lead management system is another real-world example. If the system was hosted on a web server, IP restrictions may be implemented to restrict access to the system based on the requesting IP address. If all of the sales members were accessing the system via the IP address, then removing access from all other IPs would be required to ensure that incorrect system access is blocked while authorized users can access the system from an authorized location. 

Why Does Security Software Design Matter?

Software security is a critical part of the development process that helps protect applications from potential threats or attacks. Building applications without considering security can lead to disastrous consequences such as data breaches, loss of trust, and financial implications. According to a report by IBM, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 reached an all-time high of $4.45 million, a 2.3% increase from 2022 and a 15.3% increase from 2020, demonstrating the immense financial risk associated with inadequate security design software.

cost of data breach

Source: https://newsroom.ibm.com/2023-07-24-IBM-Report-Half-of-Breached-Organizations-Unwilling-to-Increase-Security-Spend-Despite-Soaring-Breach-Costs

The Top 10 Software Security Design Principles

These principles form the backbone of secure software development, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of applications and data.

1. Principle of Least Privilege

This principle suggests that a user or process should only have the minimum permissions necessary to complete their tasks. This limits the potential damage if an attacker gains access.

  • To protect against data exfiltration, use least privilege throughout the application and control plan.
  • Automate through DevSecOps to reduce the need for human involvement.

2. Principle of Defense in Depth

This principle, also known as layered security, encourages implementing multiple software design security measures to protect a system. If one layer is breached, others remain to deter the attacker.

3. Principle of Fail-Safe Defaults

This principle involves defaulting to a state of denial unless access is explicitly granted. Essentially, a system should start from a position of utmost restriction, gradually lifting restrictions as necessary.

4. Principle of Economy of Mechanism

Simplicity is key to this principle. The simpler the design, the easier it is to test and ensure security. Complex systems have more potential vulnerabilities.

5. Principle of Complete Mediation

This principle ensures every access request is authenticated and authorized. Regular validation helps prevent unauthorized access.

6. Principle of Open Design

According to this principle, the security of a system should not depend on the secrecy of its design or implementation. Transparency can lead to broader scrutiny and identification of potential flaws.

7. Principle of Separation of Privilege

This principle states that a system should not grant permission based on a single condition. Instead, it should require multiple conditions to be met for enhanced security design software.

8. Principle of Least Common Mechanism

Under this principle, mechanisms or resources shared by more than one user should be minimized, reducing the potential attack surface.

9. Principle of Psychological Acceptability

This principle emphasizes that security design software measures should not make the system harder to use. User-friendly security encourages compliance and reduces the temptation for users to bypass security features.

10. Principle of Weakest Link

A system is only as secure as its weakest link. This principle highlights the need for holistic security consideration, focusing equally on all parts, even those considered minor or less critical.


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential to prioritize security design software. Developers must incorporate robust security concepts into their design and development processes to create secure software that stands the test of time. By understanding and implementing these ten principles, developers, organizations, and end-users can collectively work toward a safer and more secure digital future. Remember that software security is not a one-time effort but a continuous process that evolves with changing threat landscapes. 

At SaaSJet, an Atlassian Marketplace Platinum Partner, we recognize the paramount importance of security. Our apps are designed with the user’s safety at the forefront, ensuring data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. By using our apps, you are leveraging tools built with best practices and contributing to a secure digital ecosystem. 

We believe that secure software is the future, and we invite you to be a part of that future with us.

Stay ahead of the curve. Secure your software, secure your future.

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