Issue History for Jira app: 2022 success story

Issue History for Jira app: 2022 success story

Is it time to sum up 2022? If anyone asks what our biggest achievement was, the answer will be our users. Each of you inspires us to improve the add-on and make it an extra useful and safe place to work.

Every little accomplishment or victory of the app is your victory too. Our SaaSJet team is grateful for your choice and trust. So, here we want to share and remind you what we’ve been through together in 2022. 

  • 573 app installations
  • 3122 generated charts
  • 3762 exported reports
  • 40837 kept deleted issues

What do our users say?

Issue History for Jira received five new feedbacks on Marketplace with the highest rates from you. It’s our best motivator. 

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 new reviews 

(all with the highest rates)

What do our users say

Issue History for Jira awards in 2022

Blended Perspectives with its Marketplace Analytic Research Service™ (MARS™) database of Atlassian Marketplace 3rd party apps honoured Issue History for Jira several times this year:

ssue History for Jira awards in 2022

Main releases of Issue History for Jira

2022-03-14 Statuses transition new option

Now, you can select only specific transitions from one status to another and monitor changes for the ones you want. For instance, To Do-In Progress, In Progress-To Review, In Progress-Done.

2022-09-19 Speeding up the changelog dashboard table

After you’ve filtered the issues and chosen Any dates range, your report will load much faster than in the previous version.

2022-11-11 Access management option

This option allows you to restrict/grant access to the add-on features (report, deleted issues, permissions) for certain user groups.

2022-12-15 Columns sorting

You can choose different options for sorting: sort by each column’s header or sort only by date.

2022-12-15 Product tour 

It will be easier to start and navigate the add-on for beginners with a step-by-step guide and provided links to the documentation.

Main releases of Issue History for Jira

Let’s make more in 2023 

One of the super helpful and desired features will be launched from the start of the year. You will be able to restore deleted issues back to the project. 

We promise to keep on working to equip the app with more handy options. If you have any special suggestions for the Issue History for Jira plugin, let us know by leaving your ideas in the comments or contact our product manager by arranging a call.

Read about What is Jira issue history? [built-in VS add-on]

Check other SaaSJet add-ons

Let’s make more in 2023
Yuliia Borivets

The author of the article

I'm here for writing. I believe every word counts. Aiming to bring value with every single piece I draw up. Loving the Atlassian world and hope to make it closer and more helpful for you.

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